The Leg Details tab contains a number of items that can be populated if required, and a couple that are filled in automatically.

Adding an en-route Delay and Remarks to the leg

If you have aerial work to be completed at a location, this is where you can add the details.

The En-route Delay time required to complete aerial work can be specified for any leg in a flight plan.

  • Tap on the desired waypoint in the flight log, and the Terminal pane will open.
  • Go to the Leg Details page (the first page).
  • Enter the Delay time for the aerial work in the first field in the format HHMM (Hours, Minutes) and then enter the description of the activity (for example ‘PRNAV 36 SEH PILS 18’), into the Pilot Remarks field.

The entry above would be good for a practice RNAV on runway 36 with a sector entry and hold, followed by a practice ILS on Runway 18. Check with your local air traffic management office or a knowledgeable local pilot to see what terminology is best suited to your planned activities.

The Image below shows the Leg Details page with an entry for two practice RNAVS with holds on the same two runways.

The planned elapsed time for this leg of the flight plan is increased (and therefore the overall time in the Summary is also increased) to account for the time added here.

Delay time in flight plan

When the plan is submitted, the appropriate en-route delay time and description will be inserted in section 18A of the plan. There is no need to add “DLE/” or “RMK/”. AvPlan automatically puts these into the plan submission.


The auto-filled items are the Planned Fuel On Board and Planned Fuel Burn For Leg. The values shown are calculated by AvPlan based on what fuel has been entered in the Fuel Planning section, and aircraft performance respectively.

If desired, you can manually edit the Actual Fuel on Board value.

If known, the quantity of fuel on board can be input at any time during a flight to improve the accuracy of fuel planning from that point forward. If left at zero it will be ignored.


The Notes area is where you can record any notes that may be useful to you.

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