Importing CSV Waypoint Files

Waypoints defined within a .csv file can be imported using the file sharing option provided by Dropbox and other cloud storage products. The steps for importing waypoint files stored in Dropbox via iOS are as follows:

  1. Put the csv file containing your User Waypoint data into e.g. a dropbox folder that is accessible on your iOS device
  2. Navigate to the folder containing the CSV formatted waypoints using the Folder app.
  3. Locate and tap on the waypoint file to open the file in the Folder app.
  4. Once opened, tap on the share icon and select the “Copy to AvPlan EFB” option displayed in the pop-up. This will initiate the waypoint import action in AvPlan.
  5. On completion, in AvPlan EFB, tap on the “User Waypoints” option in the “Planning” pane.
  6. From the list of waypoints displayed validate that the imported waypoints are present and the values correct.

CSV File Format

The format for these files is as follows:

Column Description
Ident Short version character string used to identify waypoint
Name Long form character string used to identify waypoint (Currently not used)
Type Single character value defining type of waypoint. Value defaults to type “User” (U) (Currently not used)
Freq Frequency of navaid if appropriate (Currently not used)
Latitude The Latitude of the waypoint (decimal degrees)
Longitude The Longitude of the waypoint (decimal degrees)
Elevation The elevation (feet, AMSL) at the specified Latitude/Longitude.
Magnetic Variation The magnetic variation of the specified Latitude/Longitude, degrees. AvPlan will recalculate the value on import

1. AvPlan will automatically assign a forecast area to the waypoint based on its location.
2. The filename MUST have the .csv extension to ensure both iOS and AvPlan EFB will apply the correct actions.
3. South Latitudes, West Longitudes and East magnetic variations must be negative.

Example File entry:

wpt1,waypoint 1,,,-25.00000,145.00000,155,0 wpt2,waypoint 2,,,-35.1,137.6,2000,0

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