To get, launch and start using the app:

  1. Download and install the app from the Apple App Store, then tap the AvPlan EFB icon on your devices’ Home Page. If this is the first time you’ve downloaded and run AvPlan EFB on this device, you’ll automatically receive a 30 day free trial.
  2. Go to our online type database at Settings > Aircraft Type Database and scroll down to the blue section to select an Aircraft Type. If a suitable one does not already exist, you can create your own Aircraft Type.
  3. Create an individual aircraft of your selected Type
  4. Visit the Data Downloads section (tap Settings > Data Downloads) and download the maps and airport documents you require so they can be accessed when offline.
  5. Enter your NAIPS/IFIS login details (tap Settings > Pilot profile (Create your profile) > NAIPS or IFIS Details)
  6. Create a flight plan and select your aircraft’s callsign.
  7. Submit your flight plan.
  8. Go flying!

Language Settings

There is a device setting that will affect how some things are handled by AvPlan, affecting default units and region-specific terminology. If you set your device’s language to US English, AvPlan will respond accordingly and you will, for example, be presented with METAR decodes that have atmospheric pressure in inches of Hg rather than hPa. If you set your language to UK English, windspeed will be in furlongs per fortnight. :-)

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Help Centre (Tap and hold to open the Link)

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