Australian Subscriptions

The AvPlan EFB app is available from the Apple App Store. The app price is free, with a one month unrestricted free trial of all features. Once your trial period has finished, or is nearing completion – yearly subscriptions can then be purchased

Australian Subscription Pricing

Australian VFR



Ideal for Day VFR Pilots

  • Annual Subscription
  • iOS & Android
  • VFR & IFR Low Charts and ERSA
  • Full Flight planning
  • ADSB In (iOS)
  • AvPlan Live fight tracking
  • Full NAIPS support
  • Geo-referenced airport diagrams

Standard Plus



Ideal for Day/Night VFR Pilots

  • Annual Subscription
  • iOS & Android
  • VFR & IFR Low Charts and ERSA
  • Advanced flight planning
  • ADSB In (iOS)
  • AvPlan Live flight tracking
  • Full NAIPS support
  • Geo-referenced airport diagrams
  • AvPlan Cloud Support
  • LSALT Calculator
  • Glide Planner
  • Import any filed flight plan
  • Advanced weather (cloud ceilings, icing and more)




Ideal for IFR Pilots

  • Annual Subscription
  • iOS only
  • VFR & IFR Charts, ERSA, DAP East & West
  • Advanced, World Wide
  • ADSB In (iOS)
  • AvPlan Live flight tracking
  • Full NAIPS support
  • Geo-referenced airport diagrams
  • AvPlan Cloud Support
  • LSALT Calculator
  • Glide Planner
  • Import any filed flight plan
  • Advanced weather (cloud ceilings, icing and more)
  • Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro Interface
  • Geo-referenced Instrument Approaches


Contact Us

Ideal for flight departments, flight schools, charter, EMS and Defence

Learn More
  • Optional Period
  • iOS only
  • VFR & IFR Charts, ERSA, DAP East & West
  • Advanced, World wide
  • ADSB In (iOS)
  • AvPlan Live flight tracking
  • Full NAIPS support
  • Geo-referenced airport diagrams
  • AvPlan Cloud Support
  • LSALT Calculator
  • Glide Planner
  • Import any filed flight plan
  • Advanced weather (cloud ceilings, icing and more)
  • Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro Interface
  • Geo-referenced Instrument Approaches
  • AvPlan Cloud Licensing Portal
  • MDM Support
  • Monthly Billing Option
  • Planning
  • Standard
    VFR Student Pilots UAV
  • Standard Plus
    VFR Day Night Pilots
  • Premium
    IFR Pilots
  • Device
  • Full Australian navigation database with all airports, navigation aids, waypoints and routes

    The navigation database is supplied by Airservices and is updated every 28 days.
  • Android/iOS
  • Direct flight plan submission in NAIPS

    Seamless submission of complete flight plans directly from AvPlan to NAIPS, with confirmation of successful receipt.
  • Android/iOS
  • Create User Waypoints

    Any number of user-defined waypoints can be created and used for flight planning.
  • Android/iOS
  • Weight and balance calculation

    Full weight and balance calculation and envelope plotting for any aircraft. Load sheets can be printed for record keeping purposes.
  • iOS
  • LSALT diagram with LSALT (RNP-2) Calculator, but without automatic LSALT flight plan population

    An overlay on charts that allows you to determine a Lowest Safe Altitude for off-route tracks (assuming the prescribed calculation geometry for RNP-2 GNSS navigation).
  • iOS
  • Glide range display from present location

    Displays the in-flight distance your aircraft can glide, taking into account its published glide performance, wind data and terrain.
  • iOS
  • Flight status (in-flight situational updates)

    AvPlan servers send messages to your device in the event of e.g. an AIRMET or NOTAM being issued that will affect your flight.
  • Android/iOS
  • Unlimited aircraft profiles

    Any number of aircraft profiles can be created (or copied from the AvPlan database) and used within AvPlan.
  • Android/iOS
  • Pilot profiles

    Pilot profiles can be created and then selected when submitting a flight plan. A pilot profile includes name, email address, phone number, NAIPS login, default aircraft callsign and flight plan remarks (Such as PIFR remarks etc). Multiple profiles can be created for subsequent selection.
  • iOS
  • PSEA (previously ASETPA) whole-route glide planning

    Prescribed single engine aeroplane glide planning; used for planning single engine charter flights that must conform with PSEA rules, and for flight in any single engine aircraft where gliding to a landable location is a significant concern.
  • iOS
  • Advanced flight planning (PNR, CPs)

    Calculation and display of Points of No Return and Critical points.
  • iOS
  • Additional flight plan reporting styles and options

    A choice of additional flight plan/log report styles including a Jeppesen style flight plan/log.
  • iOS
  • Import any filed flight plan (by callsign or registration)

    Any filed flight plan can be retrieved from NAIPS and repurposed for a new plan, or just for fun. Much loved by AvPlan users flying from the back seats in RPT.
  • iOS
  • Advanced weight and balance Multiple weight and balance configurations per aircraft & advanced load sheets

    Multiple weight and balance loading schemes for reconfigurable aircraft. Especially useful when reconfiguring between pax & freight layouts, or for special missions. Professional Load Sheet generation and printing. Facility for allowing WCA approval of a loading system that then becomes fixed and unchangeable; appropriate for charter operations.
  • iOS
  • Lateral weight and balance option for helicopters

    Weight and balance in the lateral axis for helicopters.
  • iOS
  • LSALT calculator with flight plan population & LSLAT calculation method options: RNP-2, VFR, RNP4, RNAV-GNSS, RNAV-non-GNSS and Navaid/Dead Reckoning

    Automatic LSALT calculation and insertion into flight plan using any of the listed methods as appropriate to the equipment and method of navigation being employed.
  • iOS
  • Export flight plans into Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro

    Flight plans can be exported to Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro if required.
  • iOS
  • Advanced Flight Planning (multiple CPs, En route Alternates)

    In addition to PNRs and CPs for any aircraft: Reduced-performance Critical Points in one-engine-out and depressurised configurations for multi-engine and pressurised aircraft, and the ability to determine additional fuel requirements for appropriate en-route alternates.
  • iOS
  • Worldwide planning – Global database of airports, navigation aids, waypoints and IFR routes (HI/LO) – Global database of airports, navigation aids, waypoints and IFR routes (HI/LO) – Seamless online only VFR and IFR charts – METAR/TAF/NOTAM Coverage – Global Winds Aloft – Global IR satellite and lightning – Climb/Cruise/Descent performance and aircraft loading calculations – Electronic flight plan submission worldwide (additional credits can be purchased)

    For use outside our detailed coverage areas (currently Australia, New Zealand, EU and the United States). Worldwide planning allows flight planning anywhere within data coverage, provided there is access to a data network. It does not download maps or aerodrome charts for use on the device when not connected to a data network.
  • Android/iOS


  • Standard

    VFR Student Pilots UAV

  • Standard Plus

    VFR Day Night Pilots

  • Premium

    IFR Pilots


Full Australian navigation database with all airports, navigation aids, waypoints and routes

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The navigation database is supplied by Airservices and is updated every 28 days.


Standard Plus


Direct flight plan submission in NAIPS

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Seamless submission of complete flight plans directly from AvPlan to NAIPS, with confirmation of successful receipt.


Standard Plus


Create User Waypoints

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Any number of user-defined waypoints can be created and used for flight planning.


Standard Plus


Weight and balance calculation

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Full weight and balance calculation and envelope plotting for any aircraft. Load sheets can be printed for record keeping purposes.


Standard Plus


LSALT diagram with LSALT (RNP-2) Calculator, but without automatic LSALT flight plan population

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An overlay on charts that allows you to determine a Lowest Safe Altitude for off-route tracks (assuming the prescribed calculation geometry for RNP-2 GNSS navigation).


Standard Plus


Glide range display from present location

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Displays the in-flight distance your aircraft can glide, taking into account its published glide performance, wind data and terrain.


Standard Plus


Flight status (in-flight situational updates)

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AvPlan servers send messages to your device in the event of e.g. an AIRMET or NOTAM being issued that will affect your flight.


Standard Plus


Unlimited aircraft profiles

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Any number of aircraft profiles can be created (or copied from the AvPlan database) and used within AvPlan.


Standard Plus


Pilot profiles

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Pilot profiles can be created and then selected when submitting a flight plan. A pilot profile includes name, email address, phone number, NAIPS login, default aircraft callsign and flight plan remarks (Such as PIFR remarks etc). Multiple profiles can be created for subsequent selection.


Standard Plus


PSEA (previously ASETPA) whole-route glide planning

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Prescribed single engine aeroplane glide planning; used for planning single engine charter flights that must conform with PSEA rules, and for flight in any single engine aircraft where gliding to a landable location is a significant concern.


Standard Plus


Advanced flight planning (PNR, CPs)

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Calculation and display of Points of No Return and Critical points.


Standard Plus


Additional flight plan reporting styles and options

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A choice of additional flight plan/log report styles including a Jeppesen style flight plan/log.


Standard Plus


Import any filed flight plan (by callsign or registration)

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Any filed flight plan can be retrieved from NAIPS and repurposed for a new plan, or just for fun. Much loved by AvPlan users flying from the back seats in RPT.


Standard Plus


Advanced weight and balance Multiple weight and balance configurations per aircraft & advanced load sheets

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Multiple weight and balance loading schemes for reconfigurable aircraft. Especially useful when reconfiguring between pax & freight layouts, or for special missions. Professional Load Sheet generation and printing. Facility for allowing WCA approval of a loading system that then becomes fixed and unchangeable; appropriate for charter operations.


Standard Plus


Lateral weight and balance option for helicopters

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Weight and balance in the lateral axis for helicopters.


Standard Plus


LSALT calculator with flight plan population & LSLAT calculation method options: RNP-2, VFR, RNP4, RNAV-GNSS, RNAV-non-GNSS and Navaid/Dead Reckoning

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Automatic LSALT calculation and insertion into flight plan using any of the listed methods as appropriate to the equipment and method of navigation being employed.


Standard Plus


Export flight plans into Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro

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Flight plans can be exported to Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro if required.


Standard Plus


Advanced Flight Planning (multiple CPs, En route Alternates)

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In addition to PNRs and CPs for any aircraft: Reduced-performance Critical Points in one-engine-out and depressurised configurations for multi-engine and pressurised aircraft, and the ability to determine additional fuel requirements for appropriate en-route alternates.


Standard Plus


Worldwide planning – Global database of airports, navigation aids, waypoints and IFR routes (HI/LO) – Global database of airports, navigation aids, waypoints and IFR routes (HI/LO) – Seamless online only VFR and IFR charts – METAR/TAF/NOTAM Coverage – Global Winds Aloft – Global IR satellite and lightning – Climb/Cruise/Descent performance and aircraft loading calculations – Electronic flight plan submission worldwide (additional credits can be purchased)

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For use outside our detailed coverage areas (currently Australia, New Zealand, EU and the United States). Worldwide planning allows flight planning anywhere within data coverage, provided there is access to a data network. It does not download maps or aerodrome charts for use on the device when not connected to a data network.


Standard Plus


  • Documentation (all searchable)
  • Standard
    VFR Student Pilots UAV
  • Standard Plus
    VFR Day Night Pilots
  • Premium
    IFR Pilots
  • Device
  • AIP

    The Aeronautical Information Publication (Book) issued by Airservices, with the most up to date rules.
  • Android/iOS
  • AIP supplements

    AIP Supplements as issued from time to time. Always up to date and removed when expired.
  • Android/iOS
  • ERSA GEN (and other sections)

    All other ERSA sections (i.e. all other sections in addition to FAC and RDS).
  • Android/iOS
  • The VFRG

    The Visual Flight Rules Guide is available from within AvPlan.
  • Android/iOS
  • Full Australian documentation (the Act, CAR/CASR,CAO,CAAP,AC, Part 61 MOS )

    A copy of the most recent version of the Australian Air Navigation Act, The Civil Aviation Regulations, Civil Aviation Safety regulations, Civil Aviation Orders, Civil Aviation Advisory Publications and Advisory Circulars, plus a copy of the CASR Part 61 (licensing) Manual of Standards, all accessible within AvPlan.
  • Android/iOS
  • Drobox compatibility allows display of custom airport, or waypoint documentation, POH’s etc

    Any PDF file can be made available and assigned to an airport, navaid or user waypoint via Drobox integration.
  • iOS


  • Standard

    VFR Student Pilots UAV

  • Standard Plus

    VFR Day Night Pilots

  • Premium

    IFR Pilots

Documentation (all searchable)


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The Aeronautical Information Publication (Book) issued by Airservices, with the most up to date rules.


Standard Plus


AIP supplements

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AIP Supplements as issued from time to time. Always up to date and removed when expired.


Standard Plus


ERSA GEN (and other sections)

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All other ERSA sections (i.e. all other sections in addition to FAC and RDS).


Standard Plus



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The Visual Flight Rules Guide is available from within AvPlan.


Standard Plus


Full Australian documentation (the Act, CAR/CASR,CAO,CAAP,AC, Part 61 MOS )

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A copy of the most recent version of the Australian Air Navigation Act, The Civil Aviation Regulations, Civil Aviation Safety regulations, Civil Aviation Orders, Civil Aviation Advisory Publications and Advisory Circulars, plus a copy of the CASR Part 61 (licensing) Manual of Standards, all accessible within AvPlan.


Standard Plus


Drobox compatibility allows display of custom airport, or waypoint documentation, POH’s etc

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Any PDF file can be made available and assigned to an airport, navaid or user waypoint via Drobox integration.


Standard Plus


  • Weather
  • Standard
    VFR Student Pilots UAV
  • Standard Plus
    VFR Day Night Pilots
  • Premium
    IFR Pilots
  • Device
  • Weather integration via NAIPS: GAFs, TAF, METAR, SPECIs SIGMETs, AIRMET, SPFIB, Weather Cam

    Automated access to the National Aeronautical Information & Planning System (via your personal login) to access mereological and flight briefing data: Graphical Area Forecasts, Terminal Area Forecasts, Aviation Routine Weather Reports and Aviation Special Weather Reports, Significant Weather (Icing & Turbulence), Weather information below 10,000 not contained in a valid GAF, and Specific Pre Flight Information Bulletins. Weather cams can be accessed directly on charts or through terminal page.
  • Android/iOS
  • Weather data overlays: IR Satellite, Surface pressure maps, Rain Radar, Lightning strikes, Freezing levels

    Weather data overlaid on the displayed chart; most significantly rain radar and lightning strike imagery as an aid to in-flight decision making.
  • Android/iOS
  • Wind & weather data via Windy integration

    Direct access to the Windy wind display from within AvPlan.
  • Android/iOS
  • Advanced weather overlays: Cloud Ceiling, Visibility, Icing forecasts

    Further weather overlays for charts allowing better informed decision making for remaining VFR below cloud base, or for remaining below the FZL in IFR.
  • Android/iOS
  • Advanced animated weather data overlays: Cloud ceilings, Visibility and Future rain

    Animated weather overlays showing the forecast visibility, forecast ceiling (cloud base) and a weather radar overlay indicating where rain is modelled to be up to 90 minutes in the future.
  • Android/iOS


  • Standard

    VFR Student Pilots UAV

  • Standard Plus

    VFR Day Night Pilots

  • Premium

    IFR Pilots


Weather integration via NAIPS: GAFs, TAF, METAR, SPECIs SIGMETs, AIRMET, SPFIB, Weather Cam

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Automated access to the National Aeronautical Information & Planning System (via your personal login) to access mereological and flight briefing data: Graphical Area Forecasts, Terminal Area Forecasts, Aviation Routine Weather Reports and Aviation Special Weather Reports, Significant Weather (Icing & Turbulence), Weather information below 10,000 not contained in a valid GAF, and Specific Pre Flight Information Bulletins. Weather cams can be accessed directly on charts or through terminal page.


Standard Plus


Weather data overlays: IR Satellite, Surface pressure maps, Rain Radar, Lightning strikes, Freezing levels

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Weather data overlaid on the displayed chart; most significantly rain radar and lightning strike imagery as an aid to in-flight decision making.


Standard Plus


Wind & weather data via Windy integration

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Direct access to the Windy wind display from within AvPlan.


Standard Plus


Advanced weather overlays: Cloud Ceiling, Visibility, Icing forecasts

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Further weather overlays for charts allowing better informed decision making for remaining VFR below cloud base, or for remaining below the FZL in IFR.


Standard Plus


Advanced animated weather data overlays: Cloud ceilings, Visibility and Future rain

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Animated weather overlays showing the forecast visibility, forecast ceiling (cloud base) and a weather radar overlay indicating where rain is modelled to be up to 90 minutes in the future.


Standard Plus


  • Terminal
  • Standard
    VFR Student Pilots UAV
  • Standard Plus
    VFR Day Night Pilots
  • Premium
    IFR Pilots
  • Device
  • ERSA (FAC & RDS)

    The En route Supplement, Australia Facilities and Runway Distant Supplement: always the latest, up to date version.
  • Android/iOS

    Automatic download and management of NOTAMS from NAIPS for planned routes.
  • Android/iOS
  • Complete DAP charts for Australia

    Complete set of DAP East and DAP West for Australian IFR pilots. Adds Departure and Approach plates from Airservices. RNAV approaches are georeferenced. (Note that ILS, VOR and NDB approaches are not georeferenced in this package.)
  • Android/iOS
  • Georeferencing of ILS, NDB, VOR and RNAV Approach Plates

    Georeferencing of ILS, NDB, VOR and RNAV approach plates for greatly improved situational awareness during IAL procedures.
  • iOS


  • Standard

    VFR Student Pilots UAV

  • Standard Plus

    VFR Day Night Pilots

  • Premium

    IFR Pilots



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The En route Supplement, Australia Facilities and Runway Distant Supplement: always the latest, up to date version.


Standard Plus



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Automatic download and management of NOTAMS from NAIPS for planned routes.


Standard Plus


Complete DAP charts for Australia

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Complete set of DAP East and DAP West for Australian IFR pilots. Adds Departure and Approach plates from Airservices. RNAV approaches are georeferenced. (Note that ILS, VOR and NDB approaches are not georeferenced in this package.)


Standard Plus


Georeferencing of ILS, NDB, VOR and RNAV Approach Plates

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Georeferencing of ILS, NDB, VOR and RNAV approach plates for greatly improved situational awareness during IAL procedures.


Standard Plus


  • En Route
  • Standard
    VFR Student Pilots UAV
  • Standard Plus
    VFR Day Night Pilots
  • Premium
    IFR Pilots
  • Device
  • Seamless moving mega-map: VFR (VTC, VNC, WAC, PCA) plus IFR (ERC Low and TAC)

    The entire set of up to date World Aeronautical charts (1:1,000,000) scale stitched together to make a single seamless chart with embedded Visual Navigation charts (1:500,000) and Visual Terminal Charts (1:250,000) that appear automatically as the chart is zoomed in. The En route Low (ERC LO) chart is also a seamless chart covering the whole country. It contains useful airport and PRD information in areas where VNC’s have not been published.
  • Android/iOS
  • Heads Up Display (HUD)

    Configurable display of key navigation parameters above current chart display. Optionally show “light bar” for detailed, closely spaced survey flights.
  • Android/iOS
  • Geo-referenced airport taxi diagrams

    Georeferenced versions of Aerodrome Diagrams published by Airservices.
  • Android/iOS
  • Airport diagrams automatically appear when map is zoomed (‘MegaZOOM’)

    The Georeferenced Airport Diagrams will automatically overlay the background charts (VFR or IFR) when zoomed in, allowing a smooth transition from flight to ground operations
  • Android/iOS
  • Display position, route and ground track on georeferenced airport taxi diagrams

    Allows you to see both the planned track approaching an aerodrome and where you are on the airport after landing. For airports that have published DAPs.
  • iOS
  • Traffic display and alerting

    Display traffic from aircraft transmitting ADSBN-Out and other AvPlan users who have enabled tracking on their devices. Pilots can also enable traffic alerts on their devices. Alerts will be triggered for targets received via AvPlan Live (Cellular Traffic) or an attached ADSB receiver.
  • Android/iOS
  • External ADSB receiver compatibility

    Connect your external ADSB-IN receiver to your device via AvPlan for enhanced traffic awareness without any delays associated with networked traffic data.
  • Android/iOS
  • “AvPlan Live” capability

    If desired, your flight can be tracked and made available via the AvPlan servers to third parties (e.g. friends, family, company).
  • Android/iOS
  • Synthetic Vision with high resolution terrain

    If you have an AHRS device that can transmit data to AvPlan, a synthetic vision display can be shown on the AvPlan chart display. In the absence of an AHRS device, the synthetic vision display will still show the correct track, but will not show roll or pitch.
  • iOS
  • Terrain data (normal resolution)

    Standard resolution terrain data is automatically available. This is used for display and calculation of LSALTs and of coarse synthetic vision imagery.
  • Android/iOS
  • Topographical maps

    1:250,000 topographical charts can be used as required. Especially popular with helicopter pilots.
  • iOS
  • Satellite map

    Satellite imagery can be accessed from within AvPlan as a chart-style background while inflight, or for planning purposes. Particularly useful when planning operations at remote airstrips and when creating user waypoints coincident with specific ground features.
  • Android/iOS
  • Flight simulator connectivity

    AvPlan can accept positional data directly from X-Plane and from MSFS via a third party interface. Handy for tracking progress during simulated flight.
  • Android/iOS
  • High Altitude IFR charts (ERC High)

    Complete set of seamless En route Chart High (ERC Hi) charts.
  • Android/iOS
  • RNAV insertion into flight plan

    Insertion of RNAV instrument approach waypoints into a flight plan for improved situational awareness. (Lateral positioning only).
  • Android/iOS


  • Standard

    VFR Student Pilots UAV

  • Standard Plus

    VFR Day Night Pilots

  • Premium

    IFR Pilots

En Route

Seamless moving mega-map: VFR (VTC, VNC, WAC, PCA) plus IFR (ERC Low and TAC)

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The entire set of up to date World Aeronautical charts (1:1,000,000) scale stitched together to make a single seamless chart with embedded Visual Navigation charts (1:500,000) and Visual Terminal Charts (1:250,000) that appear automatically as the chart is zoomed in. The En route Low (ERC LO) chart is also a seamless chart covering the whole country. It contains useful airport and PRD information in areas where VNC’s have not been published.


Standard Plus


Heads Up Display (HUD)

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Configurable display of key navigation parameters above current chart display. Optionally show “light bar” for detailed, closely spaced survey flights.


Standard Plus


Geo-referenced airport taxi diagrams

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Georeferenced versions of Aerodrome Diagrams published by Airservices.


Standard Plus


Airport diagrams automatically appear when map is zoomed (‘MegaZOOM’)

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The Georeferenced Airport Diagrams will automatically overlay the background charts (VFR or IFR) when zoomed in, allowing a smooth transition from flight to ground operations


Standard Plus


Display position, route and ground track on georeferenced airport taxi diagrams

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Allows you to see both the planned track approaching an aerodrome and where you are on the airport after landing. For airports that have published DAPs.


Standard Plus


Traffic display and alerting

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Display traffic from aircraft transmitting ADSBN-Out and other AvPlan users who have enabled tracking on their devices. Pilots can also enable traffic alerts on their devices. Alerts will be triggered for targets received via AvPlan Live (Cellular Traffic) or an attached ADSB receiver.


Standard Plus


External ADSB receiver compatibility

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Connect your external ADSB-IN receiver to your device via AvPlan for enhanced traffic awareness without any delays associated with networked traffic data.


Standard Plus


“AvPlan Live” capability

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If desired, your flight can be tracked and made available via the AvPlan servers to third parties (e.g. friends, family, company).


Standard Plus


Synthetic Vision with high resolution terrain

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If you have an AHRS device that can transmit data to AvPlan, a synthetic vision display can be shown on the AvPlan chart display. In the absence of an AHRS device, the synthetic vision display will still show the correct track, but will not show roll or pitch.


Standard Plus


Terrain data (normal resolution)

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Standard resolution terrain data is automatically available. This is used for display and calculation of LSALTs and of coarse synthetic vision imagery.


Standard Plus


Topographical maps

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1:250,000 topographical charts can be used as required. Especially popular with helicopter pilots.


Standard Plus


Satellite map

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Satellite imagery can be accessed from within AvPlan as a chart-style background while inflight, or for planning purposes. Particularly useful when planning operations at remote airstrips and when creating user waypoints coincident with specific ground features.


Standard Plus


Flight simulator connectivity

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AvPlan can accept positional data directly from X-Plane and from MSFS via a third party interface. Handy for tracking progress during simulated flight.


Standard Plus


High Altitude IFR charts (ERC High)

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Complete set of seamless En route Chart High (ERC Hi) charts.


Standard Plus


RNAV insertion into flight plan

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Insertion of RNAV instrument approach waypoints into a flight plan for improved situational awareness. (Lateral positioning only).


Standard Plus


  • Number of concurrent devices per user
  • Standard
    VFR Student Pilots UAV
  • Standard Plus
    VFR Day Night Pilots
  • Premium
    IFR Pilots
  • Device
  • Number of concurrent devices per user

    Up to three devices may be used with AvPlan EFB for use by a single pilot.
  • Android/iOS


  • Standard

    VFR Student Pilots UAV

  • Standard Plus

    VFR Day Night Pilots

  • Premium

    IFR Pilots

Number of concurrent devices per user

Number of concurrent devices per user

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Up to three devices may be used with AvPlan EFB for use by a single pilot.


Standard Plus


  • Optional Subscriptions
  • Standard
    VFR Student Pilots UAV
  • Standard Plus
    VFR Day Night Pilots
  • Premium
    IFR Pilots
  • Device
  • Country Airstrip Guide

    A set of ~100s of Australian country strip guides; airstrip mud maps with pertinent airfield data and information.
  • Android/iOS
  • Dynon Maps and chart subscription

    Ability to transfer up to date AvPlan charts to your Dynon panel mounted Skyview 1000 and Skyview 700 unit.
  • Android/iOS
  • AOPA Guide

    The AOPA Airfield Guide – a text based guide to airports around Australia.
  • iOS


  • Standard

    VFR Student Pilots UAV

  • Standard Plus

    VFR Day Night Pilots

  • Premium

    IFR Pilots

Optional Subscriptions

Country Airstrip Guide

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A set of ~100s of Australian country strip guides; airstrip mud maps with pertinent airfield data and information.


Standard Plus


Dynon Maps and chart subscription

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Ability to transfer up to date AvPlan charts to your Dynon panel mounted Skyview 1000 and Skyview 700 unit.


Standard Plus


AOPA Guide

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The AOPA Airfield Guide – a text based guide to airports around Australia.


Standard Plus
