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Related topics are listed below.

Group Subscriptions (Live)

Accessing AvPlan Live Cloud Services » Group Subscriptions (Live)

Subscriptions Shows the names of subscriptions associated with the group, the number of licenses associated with each, the number being actively used and the expiry dates. In this example the number of users exceeds the number of licenses. An appropriate…

Purchase Subscriptions for AvPlan EFB

On-Boarding Group Subscription Users » Purchase Subscriptions for AvPlan EFB

*To purchase Group Subscriptions contact the team at AvPlan EFB to detail and discuss your subscriptions requirements (Tap Here). If you are interested in purchasing individual subscriptions you can follow the steps detailed below. Purchasing Subscriptions…

Group Management

Managing Enterprise Groups via » Group Management

The following pages detail how to add and remove users from AvPlan Cloud Groups. AvPlan Cloud Groups are used to manage user access to subscriptions and maps specific to an organisation. For details on managing Group Subscriptions tap HERE

Group Maps (live)

Accessing AvPlan Live Cloud Services » Group Maps (live)

Maps Shows a list of group maps, if any have been loaded, with tools to add new ones and delete old ones. Selecting one will show where it is on a zoomable map (not yet functional). The list shows the names of any loaded maps, the username of the person…

Group Membership (Live)

Accessing AvPlan Live Cloud Services » Group Membership (Live)

To view all available groups tap on the Groups action at the top left corner of the window. All of the groups that you are a member of (whether or not you are the admin) will be displayed along with your status within each; (you will either be an ordinary member, a…

Enterprise Group Management

Enterprise Group Management

The AvPlan Live website and the AvPlan app Settings Menu interface to the Enterprise Group management system. Both interfaces are described in this manual. Administrative functions are only available from within the AvPlan app when signed in with an admin’s…

Removing Users From a Group

Managing Enterprise Groups via » Group Management » Removing Users From a Group

To remove a user from a group tap on the Edit option for that group to display the current group members. To remove a user, simply tap on the X action (Figure 3) to the right hand side of the user entry. The user entry will be removed from the group only. The user will…

Adding a New User or Users to a Group

Managing Enterprise Groups via » Group Management » Adding a New User or Users to a Group

To add a new user, tap on the Edit option for the group to display the current group members (Figure 2). You will need to know the full valid username for each user you are going to add. When ready, enter the username(s) in the Invite User field at the bottom of the…

Access Management Models

Managing Enterprise Groups via » Access Management Models

As pilots come and go from an organisation, the organisation needs a reliable mechanism to grant and revoke access to their group subscriptions. The following paragraphs provide guidance on how to manage individual pilots access in a group subscription environment.…

Accessing AvPlan Live Cloud Services

Accessing AvPlan Live Cloud Services

Access to the AvPlan Cloud management pages is via the URL To login simply enter your username and password on the Sign-In page (Figure 1). This is the same username/password combination you use for accessing the AvPlan EFB app…

Managing cloud services from within the AvPlan app

Managing cloud services from within the AvPlan app

This Settings option will only appear in the AvPlan Settings Menu in the AvPlan app for users who are Enterprise Administrators. Enterprise Admins will be able to see the group (or groups) for which they have admin rights. Each group will have a menu as…

Create your AvPlan EFB login

On-Boarding Group Subscription Users » Create your AvPlan EFB login

You can create your AvPlan EFB login from with-in the app. To do this, navigate to the Username screen of AvPlan EFB app by taping Settings followed by User Settings followed by Username. Under the MY ACCOUNT heading add your chosen username (your preferred e-mail…

Accessing AvPlan Cloud Services

Managing Enterprise Groups via » Accessing AvPlan Cloud Services

Access to the AvPlan Cloud management pages is via the URL To login simply enter your username and password on the Sign-In page (Figure 1). This is the same username/password combination you use for accessing the AvPlan EFB app…

Adding and Removing Groups From Maps

Managing Enterprise Groups via » Map Data Management » Adding and Removing Groups From Maps

To add or remove a group from a map, tap on the associated Edit button in the map row. For each of the currently assigned groups the group name will be displayed along with a Delete button to the right. Tap on the Delete button to remove access for the associated…

Documents (Live)

Accessing AvPlan Live Cloud Services » Documents (Live)

Documents Allows a group admin to create folders and add or delete documents to/in them. Documents added here will be accessible to group members via the text Pane in AvPlan.

User Devices (Live)

Accessing AvPlan Live Cloud Services » User Devices (Live)

Devices Displays a list of devices used by members of the group, showing device names and types, the currently installed AvPlan version number and the the status of the currently installed Navdata on the devices. All devices for all users running AvPlan in…

User Devices

Managing Enterprise Groups via » User Devices

The Devices option provides a means of viewing AvPlan aviation data on devices used by members of the specified group. Given the requirement to make sure pilots are using current charts and data, this mechanism gives you the ability to view the data loaded per device…

Adding Template Devices

Managing Enterprise Groups via » User Devices » Adding Template Devices

As a way of managing data consistency across devices, the device management page gives you the option of designating one of the devices as the template device. The template device is used as a comparison device for all of the other devices in the group. This is…

Plates (Live)

Accessing AvPlan Live Cloud Services » Plates (Live)

Plates Shows a list of group plates, if any have been loaded, with tools to add new ones and delete old ones. The Identifier , Plate Name, File name, File size and creation date are shown

Adding New Maps

Managing Enterprise Groups via » Map Data Management » Adding New Maps

To add a new map, simply tap the New Map button at the top right of the map list. In response the page will display the map details page where information about the new map can be entered. The data entry fields, controls and the data requirements are as…

Waypoints (Live)

Accessing AvPlan Live Cloud Services » Waypoints (Live)

Waypoints Shows a list of group waypoints, if any have been created, with tools to add new ones and delete old ones. Selecting one will show where it is on a zoomable map. Hint- the easiest methods to add a new waypoint are by either specifying Lat and…

Additional Device Data

Managing Enterprise Groups via » User Devices » Additional Device Data

It is possible for group devices to have additional data loaded relative to the template device, as AvPlan EFB doesn’t restrict the data items being downloaded by users. In such situations the device data list will display the status of the template data as well as…

Map Overlays (Live)

Accessing AvPlan Live Cloud Services » Map Overlays (Live)

Map Overlays Shows a list of .KML files that contain overlay information, if any have been created, with tools to add new ones and delete old ones. The names of the files, file size and creation date are shown.

Viewing User Devices

Managing Enterprise Groups via » User Devices » Viewing User Devices

To view the details of the current data status of a device tap on the information icon on the left-hand side of the row. The window will then drop down a list of data items with the background row color coded on the basis of whether the data is up to date,…

New/Updated Topics

Enterprise Group Management » New/Updated Topics

JUL @024 Removed reference Retired web interface at as it no longer exists. Cloud management is now only via Avplan Live at JUL 2023 AvPlan Live Access Overhaul of the manual to…